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Please complete 2 steps to become a member!

1. Pay 2024 membership dues:

N.B.: Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) is closed to all recreational pilots for the 2024 season.

Local annual membership*: $50

Visiting pilot monthly membership**: $25

You can send your membership dues to either of our Venmo or PayPal accounts linked here: 


*If you live within 75 miles of Jackson Hole for at least 60 days per year, you are considered a “local”.

**Visiting memberships are for a 30-day membership (the 30 days begin on the day of your first flight, even if you join/pay earlier).  Visitors may purchase multiple 30-day memberships in the same year.

2. complete waiveRS (Coming LATE SPRING '24)

Thank you for paying your dues! It helps us to afford our annual site insurance, which increased dramatically in 2021.

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